1. How do I place an order?
  2. Do you offer colocated services?
  3. Can I customize a dedicated server?
  4. Will I have complete control over my server?
  5. What is your network connectivity?
  6. What happens if I go over our traffic allowance?
  7. What happens when there is a hardware failure?
  8. What kind of tools are provided?
  9. What kind of software is included?
  10. What kind of technical support is included?

  1. How do I place an order?
    Click Here to sign up using our online secure order form.

  2. Do you offer colocated services?
    Yes, please email us for more information.

  3. Can I customize a dedicated server?
    Yes. We have already setup some pre-configured servers, if they do not suit your needs you may email Us for more information.

  4. Will I have complete control over my server?
    Yes. All dedicated server owners have root access and have complete control over their entire server.

  5. What is your network connectivity?
    Our connectivity to the Internet consists of 4 GigEs and an OC192 Self-Heal Sonet Ring to bring you superior uptime and reliability. With our network connectivity and routing ability, we are able to distribute 95% of all traffic to its destination without going through multiple networks, which results in faster downloading speed for your customers.

  6. What happens if I go over our traffic allowance?
    You will be contacted by our technical support team via email with the option to upgrade or purchase more bandwidth at the price of $0.50 per GB

  7. What happens when there is a hardware failure?
    On dedicated servers all hardware and components are protected under our service policy and we will replace any hardware that fails.

  8. What kind of tools are provided?
    Please Click Here for more information.

  9. What kind of software is included?
    Please Click Here for more information.

  10. What kind of technical support is included?
    Please Click Here for more information.